Saturday, April 16, 2011

2012 ....What do you need to do?!

I was watching a few days ago a video on YouTube with Gerald Celente here, and I looked at him how he was worked out over the fact that people don't do nothing but instead are just waiting to be slaughtered.
He got so mad and he said that we are all grown ups and we know what to do, but that is just it:
                    people don't know what to do!!!
There are three type of people:
*Those who are deep connected to the matrix and don't know what is going on, and that is the  majority of people;
*Those who heard something but they choose to cover their ears and pretend it is not happening,also a very large number;
 *and those who are enraged and believe that we are and have been manipulated for centuries but they are very few of those. Still majority of this type do not  know what to do.
So what should you do?
  • I believe that nobody should tell you what to do and you need to figure that out on your own, however there are suggestions like: stop feeding the monster( AKA corporations) and limit your banking activities, best deal in cash and  keep your savings  in  physical silver or gold .Start living healthy, eat less meat, more raw fruit and vegetables, connect yourself with nature and disconnect from electronics, especially do not read the media and  watch TV since this is how they control you.
  • Throw away your medicine and look for natural cures
  • Do not take vaccines!
  • Get food and water for an emergency, it will not cost to much and it is nothing wrong with storing a little extra food and water
  • Throw away your fluoride paste and filter your water. Stay away from fluoride!!!
  • Get some heirloom seeds and soil and a book on how to grow vegetables and make that your hobby, it is a better hobby than any other out there.
  • Keep your self informed, listen to everyone, don't believe no one. There is all kind of information out there and the chaos is by design so nobody knows what is real or not.
  • If you want to change the system you should start with changing your self first. For those who are familiar with Michael Tsarion's work you know he recommends know thy self! Work on you first ,see who you are and what you real want!
  • Once again, keep your self informed, read, and read and read some more. Know your enemy, who is controlling the world, how they are doing it and why they are doing it. You can't go to war without knowing your enemy or you will be defeated before you even started.
  • Do not trust authority figures, or overqualified people, why? you are better off trusting me, a simple person without any qualifications because I have nothing to gain from my advise, however those in power are controlled by even higher powers( all at war with your consciousness) will never say there is a problem with the world the way it is, and those who are intellectuals and highly qualified to give you an advise but don't believe in conspiracies can't give you a real opinion and they don't belive there is something wrong with the way the world is today because they have too much to loose if they do, only their life work!!!
  • If you did all the previous steps, maybe now you are ready to talk with your friends and family, but do not try to convince nobody that don't want to be convinced, remember we are all individuals and we are entitled to have our own beliefs and if we are trying to convince people to do something we think is right then we are no better than those who had been telling us what is right for so long.
  • Study the symbolism, it is imperative as you will understand better all of this.
  • What am I getting out of this? I have been in this matrix just like you till a few months ago and I know what it means. I am so frustrated and enraged, and also in shock of what is being done to us and since I have starting researching this so called conspiracies, and I have seen the overwhelming evidence  I was wondering : what else I have been lied about?  This is how I went into a reading and researching craze and the information that I found is shocking! hard to swallow and insane, but it needs to be read no matter how crazy.
I will recommend a few videos to watch, they are lengthy but it will give you a very good compilation of many things you need to know. Once again you form your own opinion after you finish researching, don't need to be a follower of no one!
  1. Michael Tsarion: " Architects of Control".  He has been studying symbolism in media, religion and occultism, the great pshycologists  and philosophers of all time. If you have time, watch all his videos. Very good information. You can find it on YouTube or or his site:
  2. William Cooper's amazing lecture on YouTube and all his work. He has been killed in 2001 but he was working on decoding all the symbolism and the conspiracies for over 20 years just like Michael Tsarion. He worked in military, navy and CIA and he started first uncovering the Mafia connection with CIA.
  3. Michael Wynn: " Soul Travelers". His website is and he has a great deal of information on conspiracies, occult, symbolism, media etc. He is a young computer programmer and started researching all this after 9/11.
  4. The Ring of Power, a lengthy video, all parts on my blog. This is a history lesson you need to learn.
  5. The Music Industry Exposed here
  6. New World Order the Final Solution here by Earths Forbidden Secrets
  7. Alex Jones movies, and his site Prison Planet
  8. Breaking the IRS shackle with Sherry Peel Jackson here . She is luckier than William Cooper, she is still alive but imprisoned.
  9. Fiat Empire here
  10. Money as debt here
  11. Chris Martenson's Crash Course here
  12. Zeitgeist all parts
  13. etc...
This are some of it,  I watched them all and then some. I promise is not a waste of time

Sunday, April 3, 2011

More Aurora Borealis, will that mean more earthquakes?

Here are some amazing pictures taken by artist photographers in Alaska and Canada:

Illuminati card game and how they predict future

According with Benjamin Fullford HAARP will be used on 4.11.11 to cause  Mount Fujiyama Volcano to erupt.

Today we will discuss in particular a few powerful cards: The population control which has been brought to my attention by Terri, one of my readers and the Tidal Wave. If you want to know more about those jump directly at the bottom of the page after the last pictures

There are many disaster cards in this game, earthquake and nuclear we had already talked about, but it doesn''t mean is over, the diseases are too many so we will dedicate a post by itself for that. So look at this cards and what we see is war, natural disasters, volcanoes, tornadoes, flood, atomic "accidents"  with the ultimate goal of bringing chaos and population reduction. So the war is already started, the natural disasters don't seem to bee so natural  and there is a hand of madness just like in this cards inflicting pain to mother Earth, and you better believe it. This cards, too many too count are reflecting recent events and they were printed in 1995, so I am certain that they have been created with the help of psychics. And why Not? why will it seem so impossible to you when CIA employs physics for their benefit why not others as well?
We are conditioned to believe that everything else besides our horse view reality is "imaginary" and you know why ? because they made movies about it and if it ever crosses your mind that the weird may be possible you will discard that thought immediately because this was just in the movies. But who owns "Hollywood"?, same people who own the media, our government, IMF, NATO etc.
So how long it will take for them to accomplish their goal? Well, it has been in motion for many years and it is not to stop till the stars are right to invoke their demons. We are in the hands of a powerful dark cabal and you better accept this and the only way you can defend your self is to start knowing your enemy.
Here are some more cards:

The Population Reduction as it was pointed to me by my reader shows the image of a city that looks similar with Perth, Australia. Australia has been under floods twice this year and we don't know what else is in store for them. I honestly don't have any opinion on that card as it seems to me as a general goal toward the population of the earth rather to target one area in particular, but for sure the goal will be achieved by targeting a lot more areas.
The other card, I have seen it in Above Top Secret site and somebody mentioned that the Tidal wave card has a tower that looks very similar with the Monas Tower in Jakarta, Indonesia. So this is very scary and I am expecting this to take place in a very near future.
To all my readers once again do not fear the future, no matter how mad it looks, I am not your churchgoing person as you might think but I believe in GOD, not in the religion that is presented to us altered and that has been abused by everybody over time, just in GOD, the creator of all thinks, and he wants us not to fear, have love in our hearts. The fear and the anger is what the dark side wants, that is why they create this chaos.