Monday, February 21, 2011

Silver Manipulation Explained

I have posted in the past more information on the comodities as hedge to inflation(One of my pages is called inflation, read that to understand what inflation is if you don't already know it)and I have also a few posts about the $ devaluation, the case of silver, Bye Bye Dollar and so on... I urge all of you read everything like your life depends on it.
Check all useful links I have posted than if you still are not convinced you need to get prepared for the worse, than just do it for fun, buy a little bit of silver, any amount you can afford, buy it for collection or just to prove me wrong. And if I am right and this may just save your life, than maybe one day you will thank me. I know it in my heart I am right and I want to make sure everybody out there gets prepared for their own sake.

Check all four parts on Youtube, and you can also go to" Zerohedge" and see all articles on the silver, they have a lot all quite good.
Also you can check " Bix Weir, the day after the crash "on youtube, or his site "The road to Roota".

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