Saturday, March 19, 2011

Comet Elenin, who is it and how it relates with recent Earthquakes?

The tragedy in Japan has drawn more and more people to research any connections with End Time Prophecies as too many biblical events are taking place( the millions and millions of sardines dead in Redondo Beach California, just one day before the earthquake, besides numerous fish and birds in many places this year alone). Some will try to explain it scientifically , and others will do it religiously.
So what or who is connected with the Japanese Earthquake?
  • Some will say HAARP(a program funded by the US Air Force and the US Navy)  according with  Benjamin Fullford  HAARP had caused an Earthquake in the past to Japan, sometimes in 2009 I believe, and he goes and mentioned how the Aurora Borealis ( The Northern Lights) were prominent in the sky right before that earthquake which made his theory more plausible(if you research it the two are connected). So what about the 3.11.11 earthquake?  Well on March 10th the Northern Lights were visible in Minnesota as well, so  will that make him right? Not so sure, as NASA mentions powerful solar flares on March 9th, a solar storm that could supercharge Earth's auroras.
  • Others will say the SUPER MOON does it, and today 3.19.11 we have a Full Super Moon so hope no crazy events will happen. Scientist however beg to differ and they clearly state that Super Moon doesn't have nothing to do with the recent events.
  • Recently some blame it on comet ELENIN, comet that according with many sources has different names as well: NIBIRU, planet X, but NASA calls this planet: C/2010 x1. So who it this comet? and why so many are tracking it so carefully now? Maybe because it has not been around earth for past 10,000 years or maybe 3,600 according with some other sources(sorry, didn't have time to double check wich is right) and the last time around has been a time of great upheaval for humankind. The comet was named after a Russian astronomer who discovered it, but I have read some crazy name interpretations: ELE - stands for Extinction Level Event and NIN- stands for Lady, source in Wikipedia. Well if that is true this comet is a scary  one. For those who tracked it somehow associated the alignment of this comet with the Sun and the Earth with very important Earthquakes: 2007 New Zealand, 2010 Chile, and finally 2011 Japan. And I read some posts where this comet had been associated with Israel, USA and Palestine's events ( will provide sources at the bottom of the post) or with Nostradamus prophecies,  and the list goes on.... But an eerie connection I made recently between two sites: In " Dark astrology" the site states on a post from today 3.18.11 that comets have been seen through out history as heralding the rise of power of an agent, military or religious leader or reformer, and in "Occult View" Jan.29 and Feb 4, two posts interpreting some of Nostradamus prophecies about a leader from Egypt that will change money. So does it mean  this comet's alignment with Earth and Sun can predict not only earthquakes but very important events? The rise in power of an Egyptian president? one that will have to do something with the currency war everybody talks about? So when is this next alignment of the comet with the Sun and Earth? That seems to be 11.22.11.  Does this date look very important to you? Numerologist will say looks very important as 11 is a master number and 22 is just as important as 11 multiplied by 2!!!
I am not and never been a prophet and don't try to be one now, but all this talk about end times has got me thinking and I did a lot of reading. I am not a fear monger, but I truly believe we are living in historical times, and I don't necessarily think this are End of Times, but Times of Changes, important changes. But to be safe it is always good to be prepared for anything, economical disaster or  natural calamity. Even will tell you that. So it is OK to store a little food and water, buy some silver and gold, prepare yourself mentally for what is to come. For those who track this comet will tell you there are some other important dates: Sept 27, Oct.17, Nov 5 and Nov 22, when the comet allignes again with Earth. If you wish to track this comet yourself click here and notice that at the bottom of the orbit diagram you can change the date past and future. Same program had been used in the video about a youtuber by the name of "9Nania"  who warned people before the earthquake hapened mentioned by Alex Jones here.
 But I have an intuition that the most important of all is 11.22.11.  Other will argue that 11.11.11 is far more important, not only for its numerological value but because Saturn is born in Virgo constellation that day and for some Saturn is also SATAN.
Last but not least Apollo(NASA code 23187(2000PN9))and comet Elenin had aligned  with the Sun and Earth on 3.15.11. The closest proximity to Earth of Apollo was on 3.10.11 Apollo in Greek   mythology  was among others a god of prophecy and pestilence.


Moana_B said...

This is extraordinary - scary and enlightening. I will check out the links you have mentioned, and keep those dates in check. I don't believe that we are facing the end of days. I believe it's the end of an era. How that pans out, we will soon see. I think there will be changes; some so significant that people worldwide will sit up, listen and acknowledge its outcome. How we take action - that also remains to be seen. One cannot fight Mother Nature. What amazes me most, while watching the news, is going from scenes in Japan. Tragedy. Heartbreak. Homelessness. The people there have learnt a hard lesson. They realise the value of humanity. Then the scenes from Egypt - in all its chaos and turmoil. I wonder if those people know about what’s happened in Japan. Surely some humility would be gained. If only there were a way to instil peace, love and generosity in our communities. Respect for Mother Earth is thin in our competitive world. Greed has taken lead over green. We must acknowledge our immeasurable universe - and what lies beneath our own surface - just how fragile it can be.

INFOMAMA said...

I couldn't have said it better, you have captured the true picture my dear.
We are not to feel scared or hopless, our mission is to spread the love, and the truth, than we can say no matter how small, we made a change.
No worries how small, drop by drop fills an ocean!

peacemaker_2012 said...

What is the photo of?

INFOMAMA said...

This are geomagnetic storms that create auroras around the earth, picture taken from