This picture represents HOPE! Keep it dear to your heart in times of need!
This may be the most important post I have ever written.
It kept me up last night when I had that Eureka moment about the connection of all this events that seemed random before, and from there was just a lot of work and a lot of guessing.
This is about a theory I have related to the plan of the Illuminati for the world. I am not a religious person, and I am not prophetic or anything like that, I am not comunicating with any entity, this is pure speculation on my part, a theory ....
I just started this blog in February of this year after an extensive reading of so many controversial pieces. I got so curious and got more and more reading not knowing where is all this going, especially that there is so much material on the web and is all so confusing.
I feel right now that it all lead me to this work I am posting today and all the pieces that I have read had more or less played an important part in all this.
Many people believe that 9.11 was the first event in a series of events which will culminate all in 2012. But I think the dark cabal that owns the world will not make it that simple, yes they do hide everything in plain sight, but they won't tell you everything, there will be an element of surprise in it, otherwise were is all the fun.
My theory is that it all started in 2000, when exactly? The beginning of the year, the new millennium right? Do you remember how that year started? All with a big scare of the Y2K that never happened, but I think it was all by design to create a cry wolf scenario.
So that year was very important because of all the fear that surrounded and we all know by now that dark forces feed of fear, which is a powerful energy.
I also think there will be 11 years with 11 events , where events progress in the odd months of the year to culminate with the most important event in month of November, 2011.
There will not be any end of the world as you are led to believe, but there will be a lot going on so you better pay attention, forget about Nibiru, Planet X, aliens and what not, this are all distractions from the real thing happening before your very own eyes: you are loosing your civil liberties, your wealth, your job, your freedom as we speak, and you have a lot more to loose if you don't do nothing about it.
The Maya doesn't warn humanity about end of the world they are only reseting their calendar, but they do warn you about the return of a GOD!
So far it looks like out of all events the most important ones are the odd numbered events: Ex: 1,3 ,5 …..The even numbered events seemed to be related to finances or money or at least in the first part.
These 11 important events are all contributing to the last and most important one during this 11 years.
- The 1st event is just an important day that represents beginning: 01.01.00 (this is an 11 number)It is also the beginning of a new millennium, a day that started with a lot of fear, a millennium that will be exactly how it started if we don't stop it.
- The 2nd event: ( an even number is for a money related event) 10.10.00( this is another eleven number) (10+10= 20, 2+0=2) Bill Clinton signs a bill for permanent relation with China. China is an important piece of this puzzle.
- The 3rd event: ( and odd number if for an aggressive event)9.11.01 (9+11+01=21, 2+1=3)( This can be an eleven number as well if you just add the day and the month and leave the year alone) The attack on twin towers ( The twin towers symbolize the duality, the number 11 seems to be important for the same reason, this is a clear attack on something more important than the towers but what they represent)
- The 4th event : 01.01.02(1+1+2=4)( also and eleven number if you see the month and the day only) Euro currency enters in circulation
- The 5th event :10.11.02 ( 10+11+02= 23, 2+3=5) Congress authorizes force against Iraq ( the day of the month is another eleven number)
- The 6th event, not sure it could be 2.1.03 (2+1+3=6) Columbia spaces shuttle explodes during reentry, but this will not confirm my theory that the even number events are related to finances. I really can’t find the 6th event….Maybe the theory regarding even number events are related to finances was only for the first half, than the events may be multiple an intertwined, like the next event that is a disaster but a multiple one….
- The 7th event: 3.11.11 (3+11+11=25, 2+5=7) The double disaster in Japan , hence double eleven( Not only the rest of the events will all happen in year 2011 but they will be amplified as well)
- The 8th event I will assume it will be a financial one and it could happen in the month of April, a even month, and it may have something to do with the currency war and remember the early events implicated the trade with China and the issuance of Euro, so because of the trade with China the currency war started and it could only end with the end of fiat currency. To speculate what will happen, since I am fond of this Illuminati cards I will insert here a picture of the currencies being eaten one by one, starting with Euro( remember there was no Euro in 1995 when the cards came out, Euro was issued in 2001), than the Dollar, than the British Pound, all in the end eaten by the Chinese Yen.
- The 9th event if I am to predict ( I am not qualified for that so I will just make an educated guess) This could be an earthquake on the Madrid fault line, possible Chicago will be most damaged. And this could happen on 5.11.11 there is an alignment of planet Mercury(the messenger) with Venus(yang) and Mars(yin) maybe causing this earthquake and something else, since this year are double disasters. See my previous post on the Illuminati card " Time Warp" were I think on this day there will be an event that has something to do with religion, so that adds up to the double event.
- The 10th event , I have no clue.
- And the last and more important is 11 th event November, probably 11.11.11? Something to do with consciousness, and maybe more chaos created to make sure we are not getting in touch with our inner self? A twist that would create a false Mesiah and a new religion to divert us from the real thing?
The last event will end with three elevens in the date as in 11.11.11 as 33 represents guidance to the world in masonic numerology, this whole thing is as triangle of enlightenment and illumination. 11.22.33
What should we expect on this important day planed ahead many years ago? Well there are many theories that the stars are just right for the rise of their dark god or demon and they have played all this cards till than like immense sacrifices to this monster.
That could be just it, but if it does happened is because they need a new religion to go with the new world order on the way, and the new saviour will not look like a demon to you it will be a great big hoax to keep you enslaves for hundred of years to come.
But I am sure is all about money, control and a great big deception, whatever that may be ,because they will ensure we all beg for this new world order it is just not smart to force it down our throat.
In the mean time be prepared for more pretend natural disasters and accidents that create calamities because they will manipulate our fear in a great big way with their advanced technologies. You all need to start taking this seriously and be prepared( buy seeds, dry food, survival items, silver, guns, get in shape) and not only that, you do need to start waking people up, don't waste your time with those who don't want to listen though. And most importantly you need to start fighting back by taking control of your life and stop feeding their monsters ( Buy local not from big corporations, don't keep money in the banks and don't take loans, learn to be independent from government programs)
Eleven years, eleven events. A triangle journey from 11 to 22 ending in 33. Vision, vision combined with action, and finally guidance to the world. The Pisces age will end ( Pisces often associated with Christianism) and the Aquarium age will start, so is it time for a new religion? and who will we pray to ? Their dark lord?
You can also fight back by not letting fear or hate get in your heart no matter how hard it will be, you can fight back by reaching to GOD even you may not believe in HIM, please at least have faith and most importantly : PRAY, as prayer will bring us all close together, the power of prayer is more important than you will ever know.
Forget about religion, it has been heavily altered to manipulate the mankind, just pray to one GOD, the creator of all things, as GOD is the only one. Keep positive, be balanced and stay away from anything negative.
As you can see in this picture, Mayans believe in the end (and I don 't mean end times, because I am not a believer of the end of the world as in Apocalypse but the end of the world as we know it.) things will progress even faster,that is why almost half of the important events( from my theory) are happening right now. Also according with the author of this image the real end in their calendar is in 2011. The curious thing about this image is that this pyramid has nine steps as in Nine Gates into the parallel universes( The seven steps are the life steps and the other two are the steps to the underworld,for those who are familiar with the book of Necronomicon.) The mayans didn't propheciesed the end of the world but the return of their Nine Gods from the underworld. If you are interested in finding out more about the Nine Gates, a young man by the name of Michael Wynn has an extensive research on that. His site is
6.9.11 = 26 = 8
ิbecause 69 = Pisces is the fish
ุ6 ่june is mean twin = 11
9 = 6 reverse
9th even is 11.5.11
10th even is 11.6.11
because time warp
the last even is 11.11.11
That is very interesting since the 8th event may be a financial one, and it could me a stock market crash. There is a saying: Sell in May and go away! in regards to the stock market and now a lot pinpoint to a stock market crash in June!Ex: 1. no debt ceiling was raised, I mean yet 2.No Q3 was announced, yet again.
So it is posible, and it could trigger with it the death of dollar as well as I expected it.
As to the 9th and 10th event you could be right! I only tried to decode the time on that clock and also what the event is associated with, wich seems to be religious.
Many has spoken of a false coming of Mesiah, so it could be it.
Also you adding another event to make in total 11 events makes sense too.
Great input, thanks a lot.
i have some question ??
1.If the event start in 2000 so this year is 12th year not 11th year are u miss calculated?
because the mayan pyramid tell me about 13 divisions so it should 13 year and 13 event
are u agree?
11.11.11 is the same 12.12.12
12= 11
2.i think the stock should be rally like precious metal and oil because collapse of global currency like hyperinflation in zimbabwe
are u agree?
bank merger
let see!
the Belarus is the sample of collapse of currency
1. Regarding the events:
I do think the year 2000 is the first event just marking the millenia.
However I don't think there are events every year, at least not the ones that matter. From year 2000 to this year only 8 events had happened. That is why I have not calculated every year.
But ofcourse this is only a theory and is not fullproof.
2. Market will go up along with the comodities in a hyperinflation scenario, but for now since the dollar is oversold for sometime at a very dangerous level, and since we know we don't have a free market but a heavily manipulated one, I think the market will go down for a while because we had a great bull run till now. Because there is this inverse relation between markets and dollar while the markets go down the dollar will go up again and gain some strength much needed. Those who are puppetering this whole thing play markets in their way up and down, the forex and commodities.
Than we will find out that a QE3 or something similar will come up because we have reached again the "Financial Armagedon" and the markets will rally, dollar will go down and comodites at this point will skyrocket.
But we are not there yet.
3. The collapse of currency might happen at some point when the precious metals will explode due to this new QE or due to lack of agreements with OPEC members. I saw that this last meeting was not released to public and without a precedent no agreements had been reached. I can try to guess what happened there:
The oil producers most likely required to sell their oil in different currency because the dollar has lost its value due to too much printing, or if the OPEC still insists for the dollar to remain the reserve currency, than it should be backed by gold, again not possible since US has no gold left.
Either way is not good for the dollar and all other currencies in fact because they are all pegged to the dollar and the inflation has been exported to all countries for a very long time.
Thank a lot for yours comment. I am understand now.
If Belarus is the first fish.
Next should be euro currency ... Soon
So the usd index should move to 90 with community go up
And. When people move money to exchange euro to usd.
Devalue in dollar must be done.
The Elite has a plan for all this, how or when will be done, nobody realy knows. But the devaluation of the dollar will not be an simple thing, with it or because of it a war may start. If there is no war than famine for sure.
They have done it in the past on all the staged wars, the Great depression and Civil war.
During the fall of Soviet Empire the rubble was devalued and they came and bought all state assets for almost nothing. They are doing the same thing right now with Greece. Made them borrow more than they can pay and now they are stealing all their assets.
They don't care if dollar fails as long they can control the next currency. They might create such a crash that everyone beggs for a new currency, who knows. But I hope they are not succesful this time, because if people wake up and get prepared they can't be hurt no more.
If they win again than many generations will suffer, this time is bigger than ever and they need to be stopped.
But some people don't want to see what is going on or if they see and don't understand it is too scary for them, that is why knowledge is power, more than ever. When you are aware you can prepare.
thank for kindness comments.
duration between now to AUGUST
is the proper time for this operation.
because the September is the month for
repay debt and prepare fore next year budget
the world is going down soon .
prepare yourself and prepare your mine ..
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