Saturday, March 26, 2011

Time Warp, Illuminati cards game predicting the future?May 11.11?

First let's define time warp:

A hypothetical discontinuity or distortion occurring in the flow of time that would move events from one time period to another or suspend the passage of time.

Many of this cards predicted some of the most talked about events, or so some say. The cards were published in 1995 and the events from 2001 and more recent 2010 and 2011 seems to be depicted in this cards. One card has retained my attention and tried to decipher it.

Let's study this card for a second:
  • The red clock represents the planet mercury. The two drops on the top left side made me think so.
On 5/11 mercury will align the earth, Venus and Mars ( Venus the Yin, Mars the Yang)
Mercury is the god of trade, also represents a messenger.
Mercury is associated with the words : volatile, instable, erratic, look at that clock : the numbers are not right, but if you mirror it right to left and up to down it looks like a good old clock pointing at 5.11

  • The ruler: I think it means alignment ( A ruler has 12 inches but this one is very different, it starts with 1/2, 1, and than some Greek symbols and it is cut on what it looks like infinity). So  this mean at the alignment something might end( See below omega symbol on TV), when something ends something else also begins most of the time, and this something could be for an eternity?
  •  The Purple box I think it  represents a TV, it looks like a TV and it has something similar with a Pandora's box on the left side( TV has been compared with a Pandora's Box). The frightening symbol is the Omega on top of the TV, as Omega represents and end.
  • The crucifix on the right: It could be associated with the Omega on the TV, so end of Church, Religion? Through the TV? Something we will see on TV to shatter our beliefs?
    The coming of a false Messiah has been the talk of many blogs, a card in this game depicts it too. Also a false flag alien invasion is something that could trigger  the end of religion. We  know now the pope today is prophesied to be the last pope. An alien invasion card exist as well in this deck. But maybe is something worse than that: the image on TV is shattered like broken in two and with missing pieces and reminds me of Edgard Cayace prediction and some Maps of Future US I have seen on net, scary thing. This can be the result of a powerful earthquake, something we are preparing heavily for in 2011.I need help with the other items on the card, as I am not sure what they mean.
 If anyone has an input please help, any ideas will be taken in consideration and nothing sounds to crazy considering the times we live in. I came to the conclusion that some event will happen on 5.11.11 and that the year 2011 is a very important one. Also events will happen most likely on odd months. Every month the event will be more important than last and by the time the year is over our head will spin if we still have one. 
 Embrace the future, have no fear, prepare for emergency and survival too. A little preparation never hurts, and FEMA is urging everyone to prepare as well. This year is the bi-centennial anniversary of Madrid's fault line last earthquake and preparations are important. Extended shelf live goods are wonderful for many reasons, not only disasters but inflation in food prices which is already happening, drought, currency/financial disasters etc. Once again your input is appreciated and hope someone will help me figure this out.

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